Physiotherapist in Coimbatore
Physiotherapist in Coimbatore
It is not that much easy to get a perfect physiotherapist in Coimbatore for the doorstep, but we Neo Physio do this job for bedridden or paralysis patients in very easy steps without any mediator or any portals support. Many of us don't know the real complication of bedridden patients and the importance of physiotherapy for them. Bedsores are the main complication of bedridden patients.
Bedsores are also called pressure ulcer is the main complication start from the day first itself for bedridden patients. This is the injury to the skin and underlying tissues resulting in prolonged pressure on the skin. When a patient is bedridden we should take care of mainly bony areas of the body such us.
- Heels
- Ankles
- Hips
- Tailbones
- Shoulder Blade
- Spine
- Arm and Leg
- Head Side and Back

Four Stages Of Pressure Ulcer
Stage I Non balanceable Erythema
Stage II Partial Thickness Skin Loss
Stage III Full-Thickness Skin Loss
Stage IV Full Thickness Tissue Loss
To heal pressure ulcer physiotherapy has a major role. The only Physiotherapist can increase physical activities at an appropriate level to reduce pressure on the affected area. So to avail physiotherapist in Coimbatore just type physiotherapist in Coimbatore in Google and select Neo Physio for a home visit for the treatment. Choosing the best physiotherapist in Coimbatore for bedsore treatment is most important because the risk assessment is very important and prescribing of most suitable accessories or equipment also very important to heal a bedridden patient.

Tips to Reduce Bedsore
Changing of Body Position Frequently
Skin Inspection Daily to Keep Clean and Dry
Stimulate Circulation by Doing Exercises in the Bed
Neo Physio Physiotherapist in Coimbatore is the leading service provider at the patient doorstep to take personal care of bedridden patients. We are the company exclusively started in Coimbatore to provide physio care at patients comfort. We have treated and prevented many patients from bedsore. For Physiotherapist in Coimbatore for home visit Call Now: +91-9943923231.